

Departure and arrival point: Cimabanche 1530 m (5020 ft) Distance: 11 km (6.8 mi) Elevation gain: 590 m (1935 ft) Difficulty: Moderate Brief description: the trail leads to Pratopiazza, a pristine pasture immersed in sublime peace and surrounded by grandiose mountains. Departing Passo Cimabanche, the trail gradually enters the Val dei Chenope (in German Knappenfusstal),Read More »Pratopiazza

Cinque Torri open air museum

Departure and arrival point: Passo Falzarego 2105 m (6906 ft) Bai de Dones 1890 m (6200 ft) Distance: 8,5 km ( 5.3 mi) Elevation gain: ascent 400 m (1312 ft) discent 550 m (1805 ft) Difficulty: Moderate Brief description: trail in one of the most impressive locations in the Dolomites, with hisorical relevance and scenicRead More »Cinque Torri open air museum